Thursday 26 July 2012

Setting myself up for Success!

Well with only 4 days left until Round 3 Pre-Season starts, I think I am in a pretty good position. I am constantly looking at alternative healthy food options (just purchased PB2 - I will review it when it arrives), reading up on other peoples postings on the 12WBT, have joined facebook groups, following more people on twitter, and I have developed a new food and exercise diary which I will start at the start of Pre-Season on Monday! (I've got one that I'm doing now, but the new one is a more improved one!)

This morning was tough to get out of bed - I got out, still hadn't decided what exercise I was going to do this morning which is a big NO NO cause I always find that paralysis by analysis (PBA) sets in! I over-think and end up talking my way out of an exercise session all together. But this morning I thought that I want to make the right habit of exercising and not the wrong habit of PBA. I got to the gym and did an hour of weights, so I was proud that I had a small win today!

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